Nextcloud is the alternative to common online storage systems like e.g. dropbox. Whether in your office or in a data center: nextcloud is easily installed, works without any problem on all current platforms and is able to synchronise your data on any device of your private cloud. No matter if you work at home, in the office or in Timbuktu. Sending important data via e-mail to your own address – does this sound familiar? These times are gone.
Office 365
The complete solution offered by Microsoft sets standards. Not without reason it has been installed on millions of servers. We’ll give you thorough advice and will install the current version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint. We will configure Office365 for your business in order to have it work smoothly.
Cloud telephony
When travelling frequently, you’ll need a telephony system which works at any place and with any device. On your way, in your office, at home or abroad – simply anywhere and always. We will setup your telephony system according to your ideas and requirements – if desired also with fax and answering machine. In case you don’t want any hardware, we’ll offer you complete virtual hosting.
The fans are roaring, the backup is overflowing and your IT is constantly putting you on the edge? That’s the moment you should consider moving. If requested, we will host your virtual server environment – no matter if it’s shared or private, VPN or directly connected to the internet, if Windows, Linux or Mac. In a German data center around the corner, incompliance with the european data protection laws (GDPR).